TechSquadTeam Presents Professional Pest Control Services In Bangalore

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Many people avoid getting the help of professional pest controls only due to the fact that they might an expensive affair and might cut on their budgets. So they try to either adjust with the infestations that they have or try to get rid of it on their own. But in either of the cases, it might be hampering you in some way or other. If you keep avoiding the fact that pests are inside your home or office, then they will spread diseases, germs, and viruses that can impede your health and also may keep causing loss to your property and assets.

Like if a termite infestation is not treated instantly all your wooden structures and furniture can be infested and damaged giving rise to huge losses financially. Likewise, if a cockroach or mosquito infestation is not checked out on time then they can spread some really deadly diseases which impact your health immensely. Now do it yourself might seem like a very feasible option but as pest control normally deals with handling harmful chemicals, you might get into serious trouble if the treatment is not done properly. So, simply trust the professionals and hire TechSqauadTeam, one of the providers of the most reliable and cheapest pest control services in Indiranagar Bangalore. Just dial 080-4653-5800 or visit to book our appointment today.

TechSquadTeam offers specialised pest control services in Bangalore

Insect-Proofing Your Home Has Never Been Easier

You know that pests can be pretty annoying to deal with and if you have a pest infestation in your home then it’s going to be a headache. All the pests hamper human interest one way or another. But the most dangerous among them are the ones that cause obstructions in your health issues or cause extensive damage to your property. Cockroaches, bed bugs ad termite can be excellent examples of such pests. But dealing with these pests can be equally difficult.

Keeping the flies out this summer

Pest control includes handling toxic chemicals, looking at alternates for toxic pesticides, proper tools to handle the problem and also a bit of experience in doing all this. However, many people try doing it in their own way. This might have bigger problems that you have started. Many things might go wrong while you want to get rid of these vermin from your home or office. So, it’s recommended to call professional pest control services in electronic city, Bangalore for any concern about pests.

Pests that come during Autumn Season

TechSquadTeam provides bed bug control, cockroach control, rodent control and termite control in Bangalore along with a wide range of other pest controls within affordable pricing. You can call on 080-4653-5800 or visit the website for the best exterminators in town.

Pests that come during Winter Season

pest control services- techsquadteamThe winter season is the time for celebrations and get-togetherness. Indian festivities like Dussehra, Diwali, Christmas, New Year and other local area fiestas happen during this time giving rise to merriments and carousing. Families start visiting their near and dear ones and treats & delicacies are served across the family dinner. With so much going on, it becomes difficult to keep track on the cleanliness of your house and the pests that are entering into the clutter. When you think it becomes out of hand to manage these issues, you always have the option to call professional pest control services near you that can help you out in sticky places. You can focus on your guests and other affairs when the professionals can do the cleaning and pest control for you. This reason is convincing enough for you to hire a professional Pest Control Company. When in doubt, you can always try to see the efficiency and effectiveness of these companies by checking their ratings by other customers on the internet or checking with friends and family who have already availed their services earlier.

The weather becomes colder and most animals and critters start to hibernate with the arrival of winter and we don’t see much activity near our house or office. But some pests are bold enough to invade your house during the bitter cold or else find refuge inside your house long before the onset of the cold weather. So, it’s always better to hire a robust pest control services in Bangalore like TechSquadTeam to get rid of all kinds of pest before you start your preparation for the festivities.

Now, the most important part is to know which pests might be residing at your house or would be invading during this winter. Let’s check out the list of pests that can seek retreat in your house.

  1. Cockroaches – Cockroaches are year-round pests and it’s practically impossible to get rid of them. Cockroaches mostly look for dark and damp areas that are suitable breeding places. They hide in the corners of messy rooms, filled up trash cans in the kitchens, drainage pipes and cracks and gaps in the walls. Roaches can be everywhere, so treating your whole house against these pests is a must. When you are treating your entire house, it’s always advisable to hire providers of herbal pest control services in Bangalore, so that you or your family does not face health hazards.
  2. Bed Bugs – Bed Bugs can raid your house at any time during winter as these pests are travelers. They like to travel from place to place in search of new places to infest. Your home might become a target at any moment because due to the festivities, traveling becomes more frequent and with that guests or pets might carry in these formidable pests with them. Also, bed bugs can remain hidden for almost a year and survive without food for more than five months. When you know that bed bugs can pose such a threat to your household, it’s always advised to go for pest control for a home in Bangalore with the best professionals, TechSquadTeam.
  3. Rodents – Rats and mice are the most common kind of pests that we find lurking in our kitchens and bedroom in winter. They invade our personal for the sole reason to find a warm and secure place to protect them from the cold weather. Also, houses are a good source of food for them too. So, it’s recommended to go for 080-4653-5800, one of the fastest and affordable pest control phone numbers in Bangalore, as soon as you detect the presence of rodent infestation in your house. You can also check out to book an appointment instead of calling and you can avail of all our services out there.

Pests that come during Autumn Season


Some geographical areas experience severe winters or summers but the spring and autumn seasons are the transitional phases of a year to prepare for a drastic climate change. Autumn is the season when everything on our planet that is alive starts getting ready for winter. The word ‘autumn’ means the passing of the year. The autumn season is associated with harvesting of crops, festivities, falling of leaves, and tourism and enjoyment. It’s also the time for pests to enter your houses in search of food, warmth, and shelter and prepare for the upcoming winter by staying inside your house. This can pose a difficult situation at your hands to drive these pests out once they have nested inside your house. This alone is a very convincing reason to hire professional pest control services near you even before the arrival of these unwanted guests.

READ ALSO |Why to Opt For Herbal Pest Control Over Chemical Pest Control?

So, the big question is how to fight these irksome creatures? The knowledge of different kinds of pests and their expert control and supervision is the best answer to your question. When you know what you are fighting, then it becomes easier to destroy. Let’s check a few of the most common pests that invade your house during the fall season.

  1. Cockroaches – The most common pest during the autumn is the cockroach. The monsoon season provides them enough dampness to breed and they start to invade our houses by the starting of autumn. Cockroaches like dampness and cannot survive in cold weather, so they migrate inside houses or any place where they can find food, shelter and most of all warmth. Their favorite place to hide is behind the drains and pipes. They contaminate food, spread diseases and can increase the rate of asthma by transporting allergens inside the house. Calling expert pest control services in Bangalore is the best thing you can do once you see even one of them.
  2. Rodents – Rodents are inevitable in the autumn season. They are sure to assault the territory of your household in search of food, shelter, warmth, and water. Did you know that the term ‘Rodent’ comes from the Latin word ‘Rodere’ which means to gnaw? And that’s what they do best. They can chew through wood, concrete, electrical wirings, plywood, etc. You name it and they can chew it. They are also responsible for spreading diseases like bubonic plague and relapsing fever.
  3. Spiders – Spiders can be seen building their webs all year-round. Have you ever seen a web already formed on the next day of cleaning up your ceilings? But during autumn their activity increases as this is their breeding time and male spiders start searching for mates. This search can result in an increase in the numbers of spiders inside your house. Another important reason that spiders get attracted inside the houses is insects. Insects start to get drawn towards homes in search of food and warmth in the autumn and this is an opportunity for the spiders for a feast.
  4. Fleas – Fleas can get inside your house due to the increasing number of rodents. Fleas can cause plagues, endemic typhus and are the transporters of many harmful bacteria. Apart from rodents, fleas can get inside through your pets and other furry animals as well.
  5. Stinkbugs – Sting bugs become a very common menace during the fall. They are not harmful to us but can emit an extremely foul smell when they feel threatened. With the dampness still prevailing in your house from the monsoon, a stink can add to your disgust and repulse to be inside the house.

READ ALSO | 5 convincing reasons to hire professional pest control company

The invasion of these pests can cause various diseases and uncomfortable situations in the day to day life. It’s always recommended to let some expert pest control services in Bangalore like TechSquadTeam take care of the infestation for you. Just give a call on 080-4653-5800 or visit our website for the best quality service and total customer satisfaction at attractive rates.

READ ALSO |Do You Need To Maintain Your Kitchen After Pest Control?

Pests that come during Summer Season

PEST CONTROL SERVICESVarious occurrences and events surround us and the most basic one that we come across throughout our lives is the changing seasons every year. The existence of our whole world is the result as well as the foundation of season change. A single year is divided into seasons on the basis of weather, ecology and amount of daylight. Indian climate has mainly four seasons such as summer, rainy/monsoon, autumn, and winter. Along with the change in climate, seasons start changing and pests invade your house according to their favorite seasons. Some insects like the warmer weather and swarm during summer while others prefer dampness, invading your house in the monsoons and there are others that come inside your house to get away from the bitter cold outside.

India is a tropical country, so we have really hot summers. The days become hotter and the only time to relax is the night. Now, most insects also follow similar kinds of patterns and rest inside their tunnels or under the earth or inside our homes are hidden during the day and come out at night. Most insects mature during this season. Few of the most common pest infestation during this time are as follows:

  1. Mosquitoes – Mosquitoes are rampant during the summer season. Due to the warm climate, the mosquitoes have a short lifespan during this time and to compensate lay more and more eggs. This gives rise to more number of mosquitoes and more spread of diseases.
  2. Honey bees, Hornets & Wasps – The stinging insects like honey bees start their nesting during this time and search for buildings and tall structures to build them. This results in their invading your house in search of breeding grounds.
  • Ants – The hot sun during summers heats the land and makes it impossible for ants to burrow underground. Food becomes scarce too. So ants usually invade the house in search of shelter and food.
  1. Flies – Flies usually swarm during the summer. They spawn at a wild rate inside animal wastes, garbage, and rotting food. This makes trash cans their favorite place. Flies mostly wander outside but sometimes they find their way inside the house, especially to the kitchen. They can contaminate food and spread diseases.
  2. Termites – Termites are most active during the summer. The division of caste in this species makes them even more productive. During summers the queen termite that stays in the colonies lays eggs and multiplies the numbers while the worker termites eat away your wood and locate new wood to destroy and help in the multiplication and growth of their colony.
  3. Bed bugs – Bed bugs infestation is normally carried around from one place to another. Summers at the best time to invite bed bugs into your house if precautions are not taken as most people are prone to travel to different places during the summer break. Most hotels and ill-maintained motels have bed bug infestation which reaches your house during this time.

It is scary to know how many pest infestations you might face during a single season. But every problem comes with a solution and the best solution to your seasonal pest infestation is calling up the experts to eradicate these creatures from your house. Every pest has its own unique infestation and the solutions are different as well. So consulting professional pest control services is highly recommended. TechSquadTeam, one of the leading providers of pest control service in Bangalore, provides you with a complete answer to all these pest problems. All you need to do is call us on 080-4653-5800 or visit our website at and book an appointment with us. We come to your house on your comfortable schedule and eradicate your pest infestation.

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Infographic: Reliable pest control services in Bangalore by Techsquadteam

Infographic Reliable pest control services in Bangalore by Techsquadteam

Pests are a pain in the neck wherever they attack, may it be your house or office. Avail the safest and most effective pest control services in Bangalore with dedicated customer support and 100% track record.

TechSquadTeam has become one of the leading pest control services in Bangalore with our highest quality service for your specialized requirements, cost-effectiveness, flexibility in our service according to your needs and assuredness in our treatments. We aim to win hearts with perseverance.

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Why you should not do your own Pest Control?


People and pests share a bond that goes down to centuries back. As the human population has grown up, the pests have become bolder and brasher by the day. They tend to invade our houses in large numbers and damage our property in different ways. Controlling these different types of pests has become one of the main challenges in most of the households. Many people try to take the situation under control by dealing with it themselves. It good to take ownership, however, there are certain points on which you should let experts take care of things as handling the situation on your own might create further complications.

Pests are one such situational problem that you should let professional pest control services like TechSquadTeam, to deal with rather than handling it on your own. TechSquadTeam is an outstanding pest control service for a home in Basavanagudi, Bangalore that provides all kinds of pest eradication and control. May it be a rat problem, cockroaches invading your kitchen and bathrooms, bed bugs in your mattresses or cushions or the most common mosquito infiltration. All of it is taken care of by us in the most eco-friendly and budget approved way possible.

Now the question comes what happens when you do your own pest control? Let’s discuss the reasons one by one.

  1. You may end up using the wrong chemicals for the wrong pest type when you do your own pest control. Also, you need to be sure about dealing with the pests for using the chemicals in the right method or it can make the situation worse.
  2. While handling chemicals safety and health comes at the foremost and pest control is all about the use of chemicals. Professionals adhere to safety standards and apparels which most common people forget about.
  3. Monitoring is another part of pest control that consumes time and energy. Weekly or monthly monitoring needs to be done for positive results and effective pest control.

Therefore, relax and let the professionals take care of your pest problem. Few of the pests are much more stubborn than others and truly know how to hide and survive against all odds. Don’t wait until the situation becomes out of hand. May it be your cockroaches or a bed bug pest control Services in Bangalore, call us now on 080 – 45635800 or book an appointment for a call back at our website

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Why hire a Professional Bed Bug Pest Control Service in Bangalore?

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Get robust pest control services in Bangalore at TechSquadTeam


Ignoring pests and pest infestation in your house can create massive problems in the future. They are known as the carriers of dangerous diseases and can cause some common infections. TechSquadTeam guarantees full satisfaction and meets 100% expectation of its clients. Our expert technicians use advanced tools and proven methods to eliminate pests from your house effectively. Book our most trusted service now! Contact us on 080-46535800 for herbal pest control services in Bangalore.

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Necessity Of Pest Control When Buying A New Home

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Nothing is more exciting than buying your dream home, and to ensure your large investment doesn’t go foul, certain things need to be checked in the property before signing on the dotted line. Your new home search should be gone through various watch outs, verification, pests’ inspection and a final decision whether you will buy it or not. However, some purchasers never think about pests.

Because pests like termite and wood borer can be lurking beneath the surface, without your knowledge. And knowing what are the things you need to check can save your money and time from expensive repairs and treatments. What’s more? Sometime you may have to resell the property at half of the price you had purchased.

Termites have the ability and greediness to chew through wood, flooring, and even wall frames. Moreover, they are responsible for more than 5000 crore rupees property damage each year in India, which is unfortunately not covered by the house owner’s insurance. Before signing on the property acquisition paper, the buyer should have a pest inspection, and recommend a suitable course of action.

While a basic house inspection includes examining the physical structure of a home from top to bottom, professional pest control services in Bangalore focuses on detecting the telltale signs of termite damage and level of infestation of other pests, if exist. Once completed, the pest control experts will suggest you with the best suitable plan.

So, when you first visit the house, experts recommend keeping a close eye for the following signs that could mean termite infestation.

  • Mud tubes on your home’s exterior
  • Wood that sounds hollow when tapped
  • Small piles of faeces that look like sawdust
  • Discarded wings near doors and windowsills
  • Darkening and blistering of wooden structure

Thus, it is essential to hire a professional pest control exterminator who can inspect the property you are eagerly willing to buy. Openly ask the sellers about ht last pest inspection he had. It is highly relevant that potential buyers should have their own pest inspection to have complete data about the property. These pest professional will closely look for the internal wooden structure damaging insects like termites, carpenter ants, and beetles. They also examine other existing issue the property has to avoid breeding of pest problems.

All buyers should be aware of the fact that the loved property might be the permanent residence of pests. They should ensure the interior and exterior of the home is fully inspected. While buying a used property, notice if the previous owner has taken some common pest prevention steps like installing screens on windows and doors or keeping shrubs and tree limbs away from the house and roof. While many pest problems can be easily fixed, it is better to have more preventive action before buying it.

If the house has serious pest control issue, it is usually the responsibility of the seller to hire professional pest control services in Bangalore at a reasonable rate. Wise advice to all our valuable clients is not to pay for a house that may let you swim in the ocean of expensive repairs and damages in the future. To book our most trusted pest control service, call us at 080-46535800 or visit our website

Effective Pest Control Services in Bangalore at TechSquadTeam


Pests such as mosquito, bed bugs, wood borer, termites, rodents and many others are found in our house. But sometimes, we ignore them. That ignorance leads to an uncontrollable infestation of pests and causes various life taking diseases, allergies and sometimes it causes fatal. So, TechSquadTeam provides an effective solution to your pest’s problem and act as a savior from all such deadly irritants. Book our pest control services in Bangalore today for more info. Call us on 080-46535800.

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